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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Get Easy Answer of Fast Weight Loss

If you want easy and fast weight loss and were wondering if calories to lose weight matter, then this article will answer the question for you. Are you wondering if you need to count calories?

Read on to find out the surprising answer.

Calories to Lose Weight

Do they matter? The answer is YES AND NO.

Obviously it's not wise to stuff down 10,000 calories and eat like a pig. But guess what... if you're eating sensibly and still having a hard time losing weight... the calories play VERY LITTLE as to why you're not losing weight.

The reason...

There are 3 other major factors (besides diet and exercise) that play a key role as to if you're going to lose weight or not. I could give you the same diet and exercise program today, 1 year from now, and 2 years from now...

One of those times you may lose 10 pounds in a month, the other you may not lose or gain any weight, and the 3rd time you may actually gain 10 pounds.


Well, those 3 other factors I just mentioned. So what are they? They're lack of sleep, high stress levels, and taking medications.

Those 3 things will play a major role in whether you lose or gain weight.

Lack of sleep increases your cortisol (stress hormone). High stress levels do the same. Both force your body into a kind of "mini-fight-or-flight mode of operation.

When that happens, your body retains fat as a "safety mechanism" since it may need your body fat for energy for it's "fight for survival".

Now with medications, they simply mess up your natural hormones since they're powerful drugs. With unbalanced hormones, it's very hard to lose weight.

So if you want easy and fast weight loss and were wondering about calories to lose weight... they might not because of those 3 factors. credit:ezinearticles

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