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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How To Look Young Without Beauty Products!

The regular use of anti-ageing skin care products is becoming normal these days; this is due primarily to the fact we are all living longer and want to continue looking younger as we age. This group of beauty products generally works by enabling the synthesis of collagen, the main protein of connective tissue in animals and the most abundant in our body; almost 25 percent of the protein in skin is actually collagen. Collagen is related to other anti-ageing substances found in the body and other substances; known as antioxidants, they are the body's method of slowing down the ageing process.

You probably know many anti-oxidants by name, including vitamin C, the use of which is still, even now, hotly debated in the science and nutrition community. Unfortunately all skin care treatments that use vitamin C have the problem of atmospheric oxidization to contend with once the product is exposed to the air.

Other skin care treatments which mimic the effects of vitamin C are being tried all the time which are hoped to be more stable in the atmosphere and also cheaper to produce. These new anti-oxidant products are not quite as good as vitamin C although other naturally occurring compounds, vitamin E and lipoic acid can achieve the same effect.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant and component of human blood whose purpose is to help increase the body's immune system; one particular disease it may help to prevent is certain types of cancer. Lipoic acid is found in every single human cell and helps provide energy; an additional function is to repair skin damage caused by the normal aging process.

Phytochemicals form the other category of anti-ageing skin care products which are special chemicals that are extracted from plants with a variety of that are used in skin care today. Phytochemicals prevent occurrence of certain types of cancer; examples of these are:

*Cancer that attacks the Prostate
*Breast Cancer in Women (and occasionally men)
*Cancer of the Colon

All of which are on the increase globally.

Surprisingly, the group of vitamins; B5, B6, and B12 have also shown that they can be used to help reduce the effects of ageing. The field of anti-ageing skin care products is vast and needs a great deal more research. Although current regimes are quite effective, there are many ways to combat the effects of time; with the number of genetic discoveries made in recent years, it is only a matter of time before conquering the effects of age is commonplace.

In time it is hoped that less expensive and more reliable anti-ageing skin care products will become available for a larger number of people to use. A person should never accept that everything science devises in relation to skin care and anti-aging is always going to be the best; in some respects the real way ahead lies in our own hands as there are many things we can do to reduce the signs of aging - naturally. Natural methods are known, but few people actually follow them; what proportion of the population actually eats healthily, takes plenty of exercise, drink sufficient water and obtain restful and regular sleep?

Besides all These great methods for anti-aging there is now an easier solution. The new "AGELESS EXTRA" from Univera is the new health product of the century. Backed-up by science driven research and a mission to help lives in all ages, the company Univera is quietly making it's mark in the "wellness" industry. The "Ageless Extra" has the most "ORAC" score content comparing to any product on the market right now.
Credit to : Steve Davidson

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